Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Upgrading Skills for Success: ABE Program in Partnership with UFV

Seabird College’s Adult Basic Education program is for adults who have not yet completed a Dogwood high school certification, providing preparatory upgrades focused on successfully transitioning learners into the College’s Adult Dogwood diploma program; these fundamental courses that build competencies in reading, writing, math and other essential skills are applicable and open to all students including both First Nations and non-First Nations; the Adult Basic Education program enables mature students to pursue high school equivalency at their own pace guided by supportive instructors.

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Upgrading Courses in Partnership with UFV

Courses Offered


  • Math 052/053 (Grade 8)
  • Math 062/063 (Grade 9)

    2 Days a week starting September 13th on Wednesday & TBA

    9:50 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at Seabird College


  • English 052/053 (Grade 8)

  • English 062/063 (Grade 9)

  • English 071 (Grade 10)

    2 Days a week starting September 12th Tuesdays & Thursdays – In Person

    12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Seabird College

Sponsored Seats for First Nations’ Students. Seats are limited!